General Principles
- We act professionally.
- We act and will act to preserve the reputation of our company and our customers at all times.
- We respect the people and nature around us.
- We behave responsibly towards society
- We collaborate with our colleagues and look for better ways to achieve our goals.
- We are committed to conducting business in accordance with high standards of morality and ethics.
- We comply with legal standards and regulations in the countries where we operate. We adhere to the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and recognize their responsibility to uphold these rights, which apply in our relationship with our employees and the communities in which we operate.
- We are open to all who are affected by our business. We respond to third party inquiries and communicate with affected parties in a timely and effective manner.
- Within its sphere of influence, we strive to ensure that our suppliers, subcontractors, agents, joint venture partners and other partners adhere to the principles set out in our Code of Conduct in the execution of our projects.
Relationship with employees
- It is important for Dongwon SK to have a strong and firm bond with all employees based on mutual respect and esteem.
- When remunerating employees, we act in accordance with the relevant standards and laws in the field of labour law (Labour Code), applicable in the territory of the Slovak Republic.
- We provide a safe and healthy working environment and strive for its continuous improvement.
- We provide equal opportunities regardless of race, colour, sex, origin, religion, ethnicity or other characteristics.
- We do not allow discrimination or harassment.
- We provide a means for employees and others associated with Dongwon to raise legitimate concerns and complaints in a manner that ensures proper review and appropriate action without penalty.
- We provide employees with training and educational opportunities to support their current and future professional development plans.
- We do not employ any person under the age of 16, the minimum age to work in Slovakia is 16
- We do not employ prisoners.
- We do not use forced or bonded labour or other forms of forced labour in their workplaces.
- We do not permit any practices that restrict the free movement of employees.
Prohibition of discrimination
1. Sex: Our company does not discriminate on the basis of gender; women and men have equal employment opportunities and rights, including equal pay for equal work, ensuring that there is no form of discrimination based on gender.
2. Race, Ethnicity, Nationality.
3. Disability: We ensure that persons with disabilities have equal opportunities for employment and in the work environment and provide them with appropriate support.
4. Age: We do not discriminate against employees on the basis of their age and are dedicated to ensuring that all employees are assessed on the basis of their ability and experience.
5. Marital Status: Employees are evaluated based on their job performance and qualifications, regardless of their marital or family status.
6. Political Beliefs: We respect the diversity of political beliefs in our company and do not discriminate on the basis of political views.
7. Social Status: We do not discriminate on the basis of social status and provide equal employment opportunities to all regardless of their social status.
8. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. Where necessary, we will always be prepared to adapt working conditions and working environment and ensure that these employees have access to the necessary facilities and support to enable them to carry out their work duties without compromising their health or well-being.
9. Religion: we do not provide benefits or discriminate on the basis of religion and respect the rights of employees to freedom of religion.
10. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity: We strongly reject any form of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. We ensure that our employees have the right to work in an environment free from prejudice.
Behaviour in our business
- Corruption, bribery and unfair competition distort the market and constitute an obstacle to the economic, social and democratic development of society.
- We will not act in violation of applicable competition laws.
- We will not, directly or indirectly, offer or provide any payment or other consideration to any person or entity for the purpose of inducing the person or entity to act in breach of prescribed duties in order to acquire, direct or control the business activities of the Company. 
- We record all financial transactions and maintain our books and records in accordance with locally accepted accounting principles and all Company reports that follow International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and related methodologies and rules.
- Our IT procedures include monitoring and security features that ensure an appropriate level of data protection for our international and external customers.
Compliance with the Code of Conduct
- Adherence to the Code of Conduct is the responsibility of every employee.
- It is the responsibility of managers to create and maintain a work environment that encourages and promotes openness and honesty.
- Ethical guidelines include encouraging employees to be open and to seek help in situations where compromise is necessary.